The Agrosepac Group started its forestry activities in the 1960s. Currently, the company has a complete forest nursery structure and approximately 6200 hectares of land, 3500 hectares of which are pine reforestation, divided into 67 farms.
Visit Our WebsiteAgrosepac Serrados
Agrosepac Serrados aims to produce wood for pallets, fences, frames, and construction. Our products have the main certifications required nationally and internationally:
TP - An American certification, approved by the American Lumber Standard Committee (ALSC), certifying products that undergo a specific heat treatment, ensuring product quality.
HT and KD - Certificates issued and regulated by MAPA, which guarantee suitable phytosanitary conditions for the products.
Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®), an international certification system that brings responsible origin to forest raw materials while promoting good practices with the environment and society. It's a global seal of sustainability and quality.

Agrosepac Plywood
Segment of the group created to meet one more need of our customers, with all the quality and commitment that makes Agrosepac known.
Our plywood factory has a production capacity of up to 6000m3.
Pine Products will offer the following products: Clear Plywood, A/B, A/C, B/C, Structural Plywood
Agrosepac Logística
The business sector responsible for the field logistics of the company, from employee transportation to wood cutting and extraction.
The company is also responsible for the extraction of wood purchased from third parties by the AgroSepac group.
The group also has a distribution center in Curitiba - PR, strategically
located to expedite the flow of goods from the factories to the ports. This way,
we can maintain our schedules to ensure that our customers receive their merchandise as agreed.
Mallind has come to unite the best in industrial assembly and automated furnace manufacturing for metallurgical and special projects. We offer services such as industrial maintenance and assembly, metal structures for construction, retractable roofs, equipment development, equipment refurbishment, boiler assembly, mechanical turning, and other services..
Visit Our WebsiteAynova Soluções em Tecnologia
Aynova is responsible for all the technology the group needs. It develops and implements applications and software that operate directly in the quality control and traceability of wood. The Timber Track application developed by the group precisely clarifies, through collected data, operational control and management of productive processes from raw material to delivery of sawn wood to the customer. All purchasing and inventory management is done through the Aynova Compras application, and logistics sector supply and maintenance are controlled through the Aynova Máquinas and Aynova Frotas applications.